Did you know "CIAO" is an acronym for "Career Improvement and Advancement Opportunities?" Since 1999, my mission has always been the same, to take care of my fellow therapists out there. Everyone knows that CIAO offers fantastic continuing education courses, but did you know there is so much more than just that?
Click the chapter icon on the video to find out more
1. Courses on Tour
2. OT PAMs Certification
3. Club CIAO (unlimited CEUs and more!)
4. Get 25% off of all Live Stream events (education AND a beach vacation!)
5. Bring a course to your facility - it's so easy.
6. Be a CIAO Hospitality Hub and host a course
7. Teach for CIAO
8. Have CIAO provide the CEUs for your course (OTs, PTs, SLPs, ATs)
Save the therapists!
Lesley, President, CIAO!
CIAO continues to be the exclusive provider of VitalStim Specialty Certificate and the leader in NMES for Dysphagia training.
Modalities for OT's; Physical Agent Modalities (PAMs) is designed to educate OT and COTA in the use of electro-physical agents in the areas of electrical stimulation...
One of our most loved courses!
SLP's, OT's and PT's learn soft tissue and joint restriction techniques to address the abnormal swallow
Come learn about the new world of dysphagia therapy! This course will review the process of swallow from anticipatory phase through esophageal.